18 Funny GIFs of Cat Doing Silly Things

Cats and dogs are considered the most adorable animals as pet. Today we are sharing her 18 funny gifs of cat doing silly things. We believe after looking at these cat gifs you will say ‘cats you are awesome’.

1. A kiss from above

2. A black and white cat pawing at a plastic box

3. A black cat napping on a table.  The cat rolls over, falls off the table, and brings the whole tablecloth down

4. A brown tabby cat being chased by a dog toward a pool.

5. A ceramic ginger cat sitting in the middle of the floor while a brown tabby kitten rolls, flips

6. A longhaired brown tabby cat prancing along a porch like a trotting horse

7. A Snowshoe cat in a box of Styrofoam peanuts, trying to catch its tail

8. A tabby cat next to a baby

9. Bein’ a dapper ass cat ‘scuse me.

10. Cat frantically scratching its face with a hind foot

11. ginger and white cat digitally added to photos of the Arc de Triomphe and the Leaning Tower of Pisa

12. Just Walking the Cat

13. Pepperoni pizza Cat

14. Suddenly, a fifth hidden cat starts coming out of the box butt first from behind the ginger cat

15. There there, I’m sorry I scared you. 'pats and kisses' you’re a good dog, good dog

16. This is mine


18. Zooooo

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