14 Most Ridiculous Ways to Wake up Someone

Morning has always been the hard enough for everyone. No one wants to leave bed in the morning. Here we have compiled a list of 14 most ridiculous ways to wake up someone. These gifs will show you how to wakeup someone fastly :P

1. Cereal Wakeup Kid
Most Ridiculous Ways to Wake up Someone

2. Daddy Wake up
Most Ridiculous Ways to Wake up Someone

3. Airhorn Table

4. Banana Prank

5. Cat Wake Up SMH

6. Chainsaw Wakeup

7. Fireworks Roof Wakeup

8. Mannequin Wakeup

9. Penguin Seal Wakeup

10. Raccoon Wakeup

11. Tent Wakeup

12. Tie Staple Wakeup

13. Tractor Water Wake Up

14. Vacuum Surprise Wakeup

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