14 Times Hamsters Prove that Why they Should Be Your New Heroes

Hamsters are considered the adorable animals in the world. They belong to the subfamily Cricetinae. Hamster has large cheek pouches for carrying food, short tail, native to northern Asia and Europe. See below the Hamster gifs. In these Hamsters gifs, they will prove why they should be your new heroes.

1. They the most expressive models in the world
14 Times Hamsters Prove that Why they Should Be Your New Heroes

2. They'll beat you any day in a burrito-eating competition.

3. The world might be crumbling, but they'll hold onto what's most important in life.

4. They're endlessly curious, and never stop exploring.

5. They're determined.

6. So very determined

7. They take each of life's challenges as they come

8. They know their good angles

9. They're soulful.

10. Chip the size of your body! Child's play. This little guy will take on any foe

11. And they're downright innovative.
12. When faced with a dangerous situation, they know immediately what their priorities are

13. When faced with a creature ten times their size, hamsters have the courage to take what is theirs (and RUN)!

14. They're stealthy.

via: 4gifs, tumblr, imgur, reddit, districtify
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