14 Sleepy Animal Gifs is the Cutest Thing You’ll See Today

These sleepy animal gifs are looking so cutest and feeling the effects to overindulge on Thanksgiving. See how these sleeping animal gifs are making your day brighten. 

1. Seriously, I’m still up
Sleepy Animal Gifs

2. Nuzzle in for a nap
Sleepy Animal Gifs

3. The yawns have started
Sleepy Animal Gifs

4. Synchronized sleepiness
Sleepy Animal Gifs

5. Huh, no I’m not asleep

6. Hey you want any dessert???

7. Crashing hard

8. Yaaaawwwwn!

9. Thud!

10. Zzzzzz…

11. Streeeeee..
Sleepy Animal Gifs

12. I can make it through the car ride home
Sleepy Animal Gifs

13. Trust me I’m not

14. Getting drowsier by the second
Sleepy Animal Gifs

via: Reddit, 4Gifs, Gifbin, Imgur, Distrectify
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